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図書館では、さまざまな作曲家の作品カタログを所蔵しています。作品カタログに記載されているのは、作品タイトル、作曲 年代、調性、楽器編成、自筆譜の有無、重要な筆写譜、全集楽譜などです。これらの作品カタログの中には、曲の冒頭部 分(インチピット)、主な旋律や主題などの楽譜を掲載した目録があり、これらは特に主題目録(thematic catalogue)と呼ば れています。楽曲を特定するには、この譜例のついた主題目録が役に立ちます。 代表的な主題目録としては、バッハ(シュミーダー編)、ハイドン(ホーボーケン編)、モーツァルト(ケッヘル編)、ベートーヴ ェン(キンスキー編)、シューベルト(ドイッチュ編)などがあります。これらはおもに19世紀以降、音楽研究者によって作曲家 や作品に関する学問的研究が進んだ結果として生まれ、これらの目録で用いられた整理番号は、作品を特定するために広 く用いられるようになっています。例えば、モーツァルトの作品ではケッヘル番号(K)、ハイドンではホーボーケン番号(Hob.)、 バッハではシュミーダーによるBWV番号(Bach-Werke-Verzeichnisの略)が使われます。また目録の作成方法は、モーツァ ルト(ケッヘル編)やシューベルト(ドイッチュ編)は作品年代順、バッハ(シュミーダー編)やハイドン(ホーボーケン編)は楽曲 形式・楽器編成別と、作曲家により様々です。 なおこの冊子の表では、「譜例」の欄に、譜例(楽曲の冒頭の旋律)のついた主題目録を「○」、その他の作品目録を 「×」と示しているので、利用の参考にしてください。 |
作曲家名 | 譜例 | タイトル/編者 | 出版社/出版年 | 請求記号 | |||||||||||||||
Abel | ○ | Bibliographisch-thematisches
Verzeichnis der Kompositionen von Karl Friedrich Abel (1723-1787) / Walter Knape |
W. Knape, 1971 | T00-399 | |||||||||||||||
Adlgasser | ○ | Anton
Cajetan Adlgasser (1729-1777) : a thematic catalogue of his works / Christine D. de Catanzaro ; Werner Rainer (Thematic catalogues:no. 22) |
Pendragon, 2000 | S09-288 | |||||||||||||||
Aguiar | × | Ernani Aguiar : catalogo de obras (Compositores brasileiros) | Universidade de Sao Paulo e Sociedade Brasileira de Musica Contemporanea, 1977 | T00-398 | |||||||||||||||
Akutagawa | × | 芥川也寸志年譜・作品目録 (日本の作曲家シリーズ, 4) | 日本近代音楽館, 1995 | WT00-494 | |||||||||||||||
Albeniz | × | Isaac
Albeniz : a guide to research / Walter Aaron Clark (Garland composer resource manuals:v. 45. Garland reference library of the humanities:vol. 1932) |
Garland, 1998 | S08-964 | |||||||||||||||
Albeniz | ○ | Isaac
Albeniz : chronological list and thematic catalog of his piano works / Pola Baytelman (Detroit studies in music bibliography, no.72) |
Harmonie Park Press, 1993 | T01-299 | |||||||||||||||
Albrechtsberger | ○ | Johann
Georg Albrechtsberger : thematischer Katalog seiner weltlichen Kompositionen : mit Benutzung von Laszlo Somfais Autographenkatalog / Alexander Weinmann (Beitrage zur Geschichte des alt-wiener Musikverlages. Reihe 1, Folge 5) |
Musikverlag Ludwig Krenn, c1987 | S06-796 | |||||||||||||||
Albuquerque | × | Armando Albuquerque : catalogo de obras (Compositores brasileiros) | Universidade de Sao Paulo e Sociedade Brasileira de Musica Contemporanea, 1976 | T00-397 | |||||||||||||||
Alimonda | × | Heitor Alimonda : catalogo de obras (Compositores brasileiros) | Universidade de Sao Paulo e Sociedade Brasileira de Musica Contemporanea, 1977 | T00-396 | |||||||||||||||
Arima | × | 有馬大五郎書誌
: 著作目録・略年譜・演奏活動・作品リスト / 佐藤 徹夫編 (Bibliography and index series, 3) |
国立音楽大学附属図書館, 1987 | U04-702 | |||||||||||||||
Arne | × | An
index to the vocal works of Thomas Augustine Arne and Michael Arne / John A. Parkinson (Detroit studies in music bibliography:no. 21) |
Information Coordinators, 1972 | S03-362 | |||||||||||||||
Arnold, M. | × | Malcolm
Arnold : a bio-bibliography / Stewart R. Craggs (Bio- bibliographies in music:no. 69) |
Greenwood Press, 1998 | S09-035 | |||||||||||||||
Arnold, S. | ○ | The
theater music of Samuel Arnold : a thematic index / Robert H. B. Hoskins (Detroit studies in music bibliography:no. 79) |
Harmonie Park Press, 1998 | S08-957 | |||||||||||||||
Auber | ○ | Chronologisch-thematisches
Verzeichnis samtlicher Werke von Daniel Francois Esprit Auber (AWV). Bd. 1, 1&2 / Herbert Schneider (Musikwissenschaftliche Publikationen Hochschule faur Musik und Darstellende Kunst Frankfurt/Main, Bd. 1) |
Georg Olms Verlag, 1994 | S08-324
(1) S08-325 (2) |
Bacewicz | ○ | Thematisches
Verzeichnis der Werke von Grazyna Bacewicz : mit einem biographischen Essay / Grazyna Briel (Berichte aus der Musik- wissenschaft) |
Shaker, 2001 | R03-888 | |||||||||||||||
Bach, C.P.E. | ○ | Carl Philipp Emanuel Bach : Thematisch-systematisches Verzeichnis der musikalischen Werke (BR-CPEB) / bearbeitet von Wolfram Ensslin und Uwe Wolf unter Mitarbeit von Christine Blanken | Carus, 2014 | S11-242 (2) | |||||||||||||||
Bach, C.P.E. | ○ | Thematic
catalogue of the works of Carl Philipp Emanuel Bach / E. Eugene Helm |
Yale University Press, c1989 | T01-054 | |||||||||||||||
Bach, C.P.E. | ○ | Thematisches
Verzeichnis der Werke von Carl Philipp Emanuel Bach (1714-1788) / Alfred, Wotquenne ; Johann Jakob Heinrich Westphal |
Breitkopf & Hartel, 1964 | S03-359 | |||||||||||||||
Bach, J.Chr. | ○ | Thematic
catalogue / compiled by Ernest Warburton (The collected works of Johann Christian Bach / Ernest Warburton, general editor ; v. 48 ; pt. 1) |
Garland, 1999. | T01-698 | |||||||||||||||
Bach, J.S. | ○ | Bach
Compendium : analytisch-bibliographisches Repertorium der Werke Johann Sebastian Bachs. Vokalwerke 1-4 / Hans-Joachim Schulze ; Christoph Wolff |
C.F.Peters, c1985-1989 | S06-388
(1) S06-746 (2) S06-842 (3) S07-212 (4) |
Bach, J.S. | ○ | Bach-Werke-Verzeichnis
: nach der von Wolfgang Schmieder vorgelegten 2. Ausgabe. kleine Ausg.(BWV2a) / Alfred Durr ; 小林義武 ; Kirsten Beisswenger ; Walfgang Schmieder |
Breitkopf & Hartel, 1998 | S08-973 | |||||||||||||||
Bach, J.S. | ○ | Thematisch-systematisches
Verzeichnis der musikalischen Werke von Johann Sebastian Bach : Bach-Werke-Verzeichnis (BWV). 2., uberarbeitete und erweiterte Ausgabe / Wolfgang Schmieder |
Breitkopf & Hartel, 1990 | S07-360 | |||||||||||||||
Bach, J.S. | ○ | バッハコラール・ハンドブック / バッハ [作曲] ; 大村恵美子, 大村健二編 | 春秋社, 2011 | WR05-776 | |||||||||||||||
Bach, J.S. | × | バッハ作品総目録 / 角倉一朗 (バッハ叢書:別巻2) | 白水社, 1997 | WR03-041 | |||||||||||||||
Bach, J.S. | × | バッハ事典 / 礒山雅; 小林義武 ; 鳴海史生 (全作品解説事典) | 東京書籍, 1996 | WR03-642 | |||||||||||||||
Bach,W.F. | ○ | Wilhelm Friedemann Bach : Thematisch-systematisches Verzeichnis der musikalischen Werke (BR-WFB) / bearbeitet von Peter Wollny | Carus, 2012 | S11-074 | |||||||||||||||
Badings | × | Henk
Badings, 1907 - 87 : catalog of works / Paul T. Klemme (Detroit studies in music bibliography, no.71) |
Harmonie Park Press, c1993 | S07-881 | |||||||||||||||
Barber | ○ | Samuel Barber : a thematcatalogue of the complete works / Barbara B. Heyman. | Oxford University Press, 2012 | S10-968 | |||||||||||||||
Bartok | × | Bartok for piano / David Yeomans | Indiana University Press, 1988 | S06-773 | |||||||||||||||
Bartok | × | Bela
Bartok : a complete catalogue of his published works / Boosey & Hawkes |
Boosey & Hawkes, 1970 | S03-404 | |||||||||||||||
Bartok | × | Bela
Bartok : a guide to research. 2nd
ed / Elliott Antokoletz (Garland reference library of the humanities:vol. 1926. Garland composer resource manuals:v. 40) |
Garland Publishing, 1997 | S08-617 | |||||||||||||||
Bartok | ○ | Thematisches
Verzeichnis der Jugendwerke Bela Bartoks : 1890-1904 / Denijs Dille |
Barenreiter, 1974 | S03-405 | |||||||||||||||
Baur | ○ | Jurg Baur : Werkverzeichnis / Oliver Drechsel | Dohr, 2000 | S09-346 | |||||||||||||||
Bax | × | A catalogue of the works of Sir Arnold Bax / Graham Parlett | Clarendon Press/Oxford University Press, 1999 | S09-143 | |||||||||||||||
Beethoven | × | Das
Beethoven - Lexikon : mit 615 StichwNrten, 116 Abbildungen, einigen Notenbeispielen sowie einem Werkverzeichnis und einer Chronik / herausgegeben von Heinz von Loesch und Claus Raab (Das Beethoven - Handbuch / herausgegeben von Albrecht Riethmuller ; Bd. 6) |
Laaber, c2008 | S10-629 | |||||||||||||||
Beethoven | ○ | Das
Werk Beethovens : thematisch-bibliographisches Verzeichnis seiner samtlichen vollendeten Kompositionen / Georg Kinsky ; Hans Halm |
G. Henle Verlag, 1955 | S04-243 | |||||||||||||||
Beethoven | ○ | Ludwig van Beethoven : thematisch-bibliographisches Werkverzeichnis / bearbeitet von Kurt Dorfmuller, Norbert Gertsch und Julia Ronge ; unter Mitarbeit von Gertraut Haberkamp und dem Beethoven-Haus Bonn | G. Henle, 2014 | S11-239
(1) S11-240 (2) |
Beethoven | ○ | Ludwig
van Beethoven : thematisches Verzeichnis / Gustav Nottebohm ; Emerich Kastner ; Theodor von Frimmel |
Breitkopf & Hartel, 1925 | S03-390 | |||||||||||||||
Beethoven | × | The new Hess
catalog of Beethoven's works / edited, updated and translated from the original German with a new foreword by James F. Green and a new introduction by Sieghard Brandenburg. -- 1st English ed. |
Vance Brook, 2003 | S10-210 | |||||||||||||||
Beethoven | × | Verzeichnis
der nicht in der Gesamtausgabe veroffentlichten Werke Ludwig van Beethovens : zusammengestellt fur die Erganzung der Beethoven-Gesamtausgabe / Willy Hess |
Breitkopf & Hartel, 1957 | R01-480 | |||||||||||||||
Beethoven | × | ベートーヴェン事典 / 平野昭 ; 土田英三郎 ; 西原稔 (全作品解説事典) | 東京書籍, 1999 | WR03-375 |
Beethoven | × | ベートーヴェン大事典 / Barry A. R. Cooper ; 平野昭 ; 西原稔 ; 横原千史 | 平凡社, 1997 | WS01-493 |
Bekku | × | 別宮貞雄 Catalogue of works | Academia music, 1984 | R02-255 | |||||||||||||||
Benda | ○ | Franz
Benda (1709-1786), a thematic catalogue of his works / Douglas A. Lee (Thematic catalogues:no. 10) |
Pendragon Press, 1984 | T00-854 | |||||||||||||||
Bennett | ○ | William
Sterndale Bennett : a descriptive thematic catalogue / Rosemary Williamson |
Clarendon Press/Oxford University Press, 1996 | S09-416 | |||||||||||||||
Bentzon | × | Niels
Viggo Bentzons kompositioner : en fortegnelse over voerkerne med opusnummer / Klaus Mollerhoj ; Kongelige Bibliotek (Denmark) |
Wilhelm Hansen, 1980 | S04-730 | |||||||||||||||
Berg | × | Alban
Berg : a guide to research / Bryan R. Simms (Composer resource manuals, v. 38. Garland reference library of the humanities, v. 1905) |
Garland Publishing, 1996 | S08-446 | |||||||||||||||
Berlioz | × | A
bibliography of the musical and literary works of Hector Berlioz, 1803- 1869, with histories of the French music publishers concerned. 2d ed., incorporating the author's additions and corrections / edited by Richard Macnutt |
R. Macnutt, 1980 | T00-575 | |||||||||||||||
Berlioz | × | An
alphabetical index to Hector Berlioz Werke / Charles Malherbe ; Bibliography Committee of the New York Chapter MLA (MLA index series:no. 2) |
Music Library Association | S05-230 | |||||||||||||||
Berlioz | ○ | Catalogue of the works of Hector Berlioz / D. Kern Holoman (New edition of the complete works / Hector Berlioz, v. 25) | Barenreiter, 1987 | S10-835 | |||||||||||||||
Bernstein | × | Leonard Bernstein : a guide to research / Paul R. Laird | Routledge, 2002 | S09-982 | |||||||||||||||
Bernstein | × | Leonard
Bernstein : August 25, 1918 - October 14, 1990 : a complete catalog of his works : celebrating his 80th birthday year : 1998-99. v. 1 / Jack Gottlieb |
Leonard Bernstein Music Publishing, 1998 | S08-979 | |||||||||||||||
Bialas | × | Gunter Bialas : Werkverzeichnis / Gabriele E. Meyer | Barenreiter, 2003 | S09-869 | |||||||||||||||
Blauth | × | Brenno
Blauth : catalogo de obras / Ministerio das Relacoes Exteriores (Compositores brasileiros) |
Universidade de Sao Paulo e Sociedade Brasileira de Musica Contemporonea, 1976 | T00-392 | |||||||||||||||
Bliss | × | Arthur Bliss, catalogue of the complete works / Lewis Foreman | Novello, 1980 | S04-745 | |||||||||||||||
Bloch | × | Ernest
Bloch : a guide to research / David Z. Kushner (Garland composer resource manuals, vol.14. Garland reference library of the humanities, vol.796) |
Garland Publishing, 1988 | S07-287 | |||||||||||||||
Boccherini | ○ | Thematic,
bibliographical, and critical catalogue of the works of Luigi Boccherini / Yves Gerard |
Oxford University Press, 1969 | S03-357 | |||||||||||||||
Brahms | × | Johannes
Brahms : a guide to research
/Heather Anne Platt (Routledge music bibliographies) |
Routledge, 2003 | S09-859 | |||||||||||||||
Brahms | ○ | Johannes
Brahms : thematisch-bibliographisches Werkverzeichnis / Margit L. McCorkle, ; Donald McCorkle |
G. Henle, 1984 | S05-898 | |||||||||||||||
Brahms | ○ | Johannes
Brahms : thematisches Verzeichnis seiner Werke : Erganzung zu Johannes Brahms Weg, Werk und Welt / Alfred von Ehrmann |
Sandig, 1976 | R01-479 | |||||||||||||||
Brahms | ○ | The
N. Simrock thematic catalog of the works of Johannes Brahms : Thematisches Verzeichniss sammtlicher im Druck erschienenen Werke von Johannes Brahms / N. Simrock (Firm) (Da Capo Press music reprint series) |
Da Capo Press, 1973 | S03-361 | |||||||||||||||
Bridge | ○ | Frank Bridge : a thematic catalogue, 1900-1941 / Paul Hindmarsh | Faber Music in association with Faber and Faber, 1983 | S06-075 | |||||||||||||||
Britten | × | A Britten source book / John Evans ; Philip Reed ; Paul Wilson | Britten Estate, c1987 | S06-715 | |||||||||||||||
Britten | × | Benjamin Britten : a bio-bibliography / Stewart R. Craggs (Bio-bibliographies in music:no. 87) | Greenwood Press, 2002 | S10-579 | |||||||||||||||
Britten | × | Benjamin
Britten : a catalogue of the published works / Paul Banks ; Keiron Cooke |
The Britten-Pears Library for The Britten Estate Limited, 1999 | S09-467 | |||||||||||||||
Britten | × | Benjamin
Britten : a complete catalogue of his published works. [Rev. ed.] / Boosey & Hawkes ; Faber Music |
Boosey & Hawkes and Faber Music, 1973 | S03-401 | |||||||||||||||
Brittten | × | Benjamin
Britten : a guide to research / Peter John Hodgson (Garland reference library of the humanities:v. 1867. Garland composer resource manuals:v. 39) |
Garland Pub., 1996 | S08-548 | |||||||||||||||
Brossard | ○ | L'oeuvre
de Sebastien de Brossard, 1655-1730 : catalogue thematique / Jean Duron (Domaine musicologique:II) |
Editions du Centre de musique baroque de Versailles, 1995 | S08-654 | |||||||||||||||
Bruckner | ○ | Werkverzeichnis
Anton Bruckner : (WAB) / Renate Grasberger (Publikationen des Instituts fur osterreichische Musikdokumentation:7) |
Hans Schneider, 1977 | S03-399 | |||||||||||||||
Burgmuller | ○ | Norbert Burgmüller : thematisch-bibliographisches Werkverzeichnis / von Klaus Tischendorf ; unter Mitwirkung von Tobias Koch ; herausgegeben in Zusammenarbeit mit der Norbert-Burgmüller-Gesellschaft Düsseldorf | Dohr, 2011 | S10-919 | |||||||||||||||
Busoni | ○ | Thematisch-chronologisches
Verzeichnis der musikalischen Werke von Ferruccio B. Busoni / Jurgen Kindermann (Studien zur Musikgeschichte des 19. Jahrhunderts:Bd. 19) |
G. Bosse, 1980 | S05-376 | |||||||||||||||
Buxtehude | ○ | Thematisch-systematisches
Verzeichnis der musikalischen Werke von Dietrich Buxtehude : Buxtehude-Werke-Verz. (BuxWV) / Georg Karstadt |
Breitkopf und Hartel , 1974 | S03-397 | |||||||||||||||
Byrd | × | William
Byrd : a guide to research / Richard Turbet (Garland composer resource manuals, vol.7. Garland reference library of the humanities, vol.759) |
Garland Publishing, 1987 | S06-798 | |||||||||||||||
Carissimi | ○ | A
thematic catalog of the sacred works of Giacomo Carissimi / Iva M. Buff (Music indexes and bibliographies:no. 15) |
European American Music Corp., 1979 | T00-754 | |||||||||||||||
Carissimi | × | Giacomo Carissimi : Catalogo delle opere attribuite. 1 | Finarte, 1975 | S03-798 | |||||||||||||||
Carter | × | Elliott
Carter : a bio-bibliography / William T. Doering (Bio-bibliographies in music, number 51) |
Greenwood Press, 1993 | S08-212 | |||||||||||||||
Carter | × | Elliott
Carter : a guide to research / John F. Link (Garland composer resource manuals: v. 52. Garland reference library of the humanities: vol. 2003) |
Garland, 2000 | S09-325 | |||||||||||||||
Charpentier | ○ | Les
oeuvres de Marc-Antoine Charpentier : catalogue raisonne / H. Wiley Hitchcock (La vie musicale en France sous les rois Bourbons) |
Picard, 1982 | S05-431 | |||||||||||||||
Chavez | × | Carlos
Chavez : a guide to research / Robert L. Parker (Garland reference library of the humanities:vol. 1925. Garland composer resource manuals:v. 46) |
Garland Publishing, 1998 | S08-885 | |||||||||||||||
Cherubini | × | Notice
des manuscrits autographes de la musique composee par feu M.-L.- C.-Z.-S. Cherubini |
H. Baron, 1967 | S03-398 | |||||||||||||||
Chopin | × | Annotated catalogue of Chopin's first editions / Christophe Grabowski , John Rink | Cambridge University Press, 2010 | T01-781 | |||||||||||||||
Chopin | ○ | Chopin
: an index of his works in chronological order. 2nd ed. / Maurice J. E. Broun |
Macmillan, 1972 | S03-393 | |||||||||||||||
Chopin | ○ | Frederic
Chopin : thematisch-bibliographisches Werkverzeichnis / Krystyna Kobylanska |
G. Henle, 1979 | S04-326 | |||||||||||||||
Chopin | ○ | Katalog
dziel Fryderyka Chopina / Jozef Michal Chominski ; Teresa Dalila Turlo (Documenta chopiniana, 4) |
Polskie Wydawnictwo Muzyczne, 1990 | S07-920 | |||||||||||||||
Clarke | ○ | Thematic
catalog of the works of Jeremiah Clarke
/ Thomas F. Taylor (Detroit studies in music bibliography, number thirty five) |
Information Coordinators, 1977 | S06-499 | |||||||||||||||
Clementi | ○ | Thematic catalogue of the works of Muzio Clementi / Alan Tyson | Hans Schneider, 1967 | S03-392 | |||||||||||||||
Copland | × | Aaron
Copland : a bio-bibliography / Joann Skowronski (Bio -bibliographies in music, number 2) |
Greenwood Press, c1985 | S06-425 | |||||||||||||||
Copland | × | Aaron
Copland : a guide to research /
Marta Robertson ; Robin Armstrong (Garland composer resource manuals: no. 53) |
Routledge, 2001 | S09-337 | |||||||||||||||
Coprario | ○ | John
Coprario : a thematic catalogue of his music with a biographical introduction / Richard Charteris (Thematic catalogues:no. 3) |
Pendragon Press, 1977 | S03-314 | |||||||||||||||
Corelli | ○ | Die
uberlieferung der Werke Arcangelo Corellis : catalogue raisonne / Hans Joachim Marx (Historisch-kritische Gesamtausgabe der musikalischen Werke:Supplementband) |
A. Volk-H. Gerig, 1980 | S03-821 | |||||||||||||||
Cornelius | ○ | Peter
Cornelius : Verzeichnis seiner Musikalischen und literarischen Werke / Gunter Wagner (Mainzer Studien zur Musikwissenschaft, Band 13) |
Hans Schneider, 1986 | T00-927 | |||||||||||||||
Correa | × | Sergio
O. de Vasconcellos Correa : catalogo de obras (Compositores brasileiros) |
Universidade de Sao Paulo e Sociedade Brasileira de Musica Contemporanea, 1976 | S03-312 | |||||||||||||||
Cossetti | ○ | Giovanni Battista Cossetti (1863-1955) catalogo delle opere / a cura di Lucia Canzian (Civilta musicale aquilejese, 14) | Pizzicato, 2008 | S11-049 | |||||||||||||||
Cossoni | ○ | Carlo Donato Cossoni (1623-1700) : catalogo tematico / Claudio Bacciagaluppi & Luigi Collarile (Publikationen der Schweizerischen Musikforschenden Gesellschaft, Ser. 2, v. 51) | P. Lang, c2009 | S10-719 | |||||||||||||||
Couperin | ○ | Thematic index of the works of Francois Couperin / Maurice Cauchie | Lyrebird Press, 1949 | S03-313 | |||||||||||||||
Cowell | × | The
music of Henry Cowell : a descriptive catalog / William Lichtenwanger (I.S.A.M.monographs, number 23) |
Institute for Studies in American Music. Conservatory of Music. Brooklyn College of the City University of New York, c1986 | S06-770 | |||||||||||||||
Cramer | ○ | Johann
Baptist Cramer (1771 - 1858) : a thematic catalogue of his works / Tkhomas B. Milligan ; Jerald C. Graue (Thematic catalogues series, no.19) |
Pendragon Press, c1994 | S08-098 | |||||||||||||||
Crumb | × | George Crumb : a bio-bubliography / David Cohen | Greenwood Press, 2002 | S10-032 | |||||||||||||||
Danzi | ○ | Thematisches
Verzeichnis der Kompositionen von Franz Danzi (1763 -1826) / Volkmar von Pechstaedt |
H. Schneider, 1996 | T01-413 | |||||||||||||||
Davies | × | Peter
Maxwell Davies : a bio-bibliography / Carolyn J. Smith (Bio -bibliographies in music, no. 57) |
Greenwood Press, 1995 | S08-488 | |||||||||||||||
Davies | × | Peter
Maxwell Davies : the complete catalogue of published works / Judy Arnold |
J. Arnold, 1981 | S05-552 | |||||||||||||||
Debussy | × | Catalogue
de l'oeuvre de Claude Debussy / Francois Lesure (Publications du Centre de documentation Claude Debussy, 3) |
Minkoff, 1977 | S03-310 | |||||||||||||||
Debussy | × | Claude
Debussy : a guide to research / James R. Briscoe (Garland composer resource manuals, vol.27. Composer resource manuals, vol.27. Garland reference library of the humanities, vol.771) |
Garland Publishing, 1990 | S07-252 | |||||||||||||||
Delius | × | A
catalogue of the compositions of Frederick Delius : sources and references / Robert Threlfall |
Delius Trust, 1977 | S03-309 | |||||||||||||||
Diabelli | ○ | Anton Diabelli (1781-1858) : thematisch-systematisches Werkverzeichnis (WAD) / vorgelegt von Leopold M. Kantner ; revidiert von Irene Holzer (Veroffentlichungen zur Salzburger Musikgeschichte, Bd. 7) | Strube Verlag, 2006 | T01-764 | |||||||||||||||
Diabelli | ○ | Anton Diabelli's guitar works : a thematic catalogue / Jukka Savijoki | Editions Orphee, c2004 | S10-762 | |||||||||||||||
Donizetti | × | Gaetano
Donizetti : a guide to research / James P. Cassaro (Garland composer resourcemanuals:v. 51. Garland reference library of the humanities, vol. 1983) |
Garland Publishing, 2000 | S09-324 | |||||||||||||||
Druschetzky | ○ | Ein
vergessener Musiker aus dem alten Osterreich : Georg Druschetzky / Alexander Weinmann (Wiener Archivstudien, Band 9) |
Musikverlag Ludwig Krenn, c1986 | S07-456 | |||||||||||||||
Dvorak | ○ | Antonin Dvorak : thematicky katalog / Jarmil Burghauser ; John Clapham | Barenreiter, Editio Supraphon, 1996 | T01-438 | |||||||||||||||
Dvorak | ○ | Antonin
Dvorak : thematisches Verzeichnis mit Bibliographie & Ubersicht des Lebens & das Werkes / Jarmil Burghauser |
Breitkopf & Hartel, 1960 | S03-308 | |||||||||||||||
Eberwein | × | Traugott
Maximilian Eberwein (1775-1831) : Hofkapelldirektor und Komponist in Rudolstadt : mit einem systematischen Werkverzeichnis und Quellenkatalog (MEV) / Peter Larsen (Hainholz Musikwissenschaft, Bd. 2) |
Hainholz, 1999 | S09-216 | |||||||||||||||
Elgar | × | Edward
Elgar : a guide to research / Christopher Kent (Composer resource manuals, vol.37. Garland reference library of the humanities, vol.1017) |
Garland Publishing, 1993 | S07-761 | |||||||||||||||
Elgar | ○ | Edward Elgar : a thematic catalogue and research guide / Christopher Kent. 2nd ed. | Routledge, 2013 | T01-844 | |||||||||||||||
Ettinger | × | Max Ettinger : ein kommentiertes Werkverzeichnis / Ivana Rentsch (Berner Veroffentlichungen zur Musikforschung, Bd. 2) | P. Lang, 2010 | S10-831 | |||||||||||||||
Eyber | ○ | Thematisches
Verzeichnis der Werke von Joseph Eybler / Hildegard Herrmann-Schneider (Musikwissenschaftliche Schriften, Bd. 10) |
E. Katzbichler, 1976 | S03-306 | |||||||||||||||
Falla | × | Catalogo de obras de Manuel de Falla / Antonio Gallego | Ministerio de Cultura, 1987 | S07-523 | |||||||||||||||
Falla | × | Catalogue de l'oeuvre de Manuel de Falla / Antonio Ruiz-Pipo | Editions Max Eschig, 1993 | R03-226 | |||||||||||||||
Falla | × | Manuel de Falla : descriptive catalogue of his works / Ronald Crichton | J. and W. Chester, 1976 | S03-307 | |||||||||||||||
Farrenc | ○ | Louise Farrenc
(1804-1875) : thematisch-bibliographisches Werkverzeichnis / herausgegeben von Christin Heitmann. (Kritische Ausgabe : Orchester und kammermusik sowie ausgewahlte Klavierwerke / Louise Farrenc ; herausgegeben von Freia Hoffmann ; Bd. 4). |
Florian Noetzel, 2005. | T01-694 | |||||||||||||||
Fasch | × | Verzeichnis
der Werke von Johann Friedrich Fasch (FWV). Kleine Ausgabe / Rudiger Pfeiffer (Dokumente und Materialien zur Musikgeschichte des Bezirkes Magdeburg, 1) |
Rat des Bezirkes Magdeburg, Abteilung Kultur, 1988 | R03-179 | |||||||||||||||
Faure | × | Gabriel
Faure : a guide to research (Garland reference library of the humanities:vol. 137 / Edward R. Phillips Garland composer resource manuals, v. 49) |
Garland, 2000 | S09-136 | |||||||||||||||
Ferrabosco | ○ | Alfonso
Ferrabosco the elder (1543 - 1588) : a thematic catalogue of his music with a biographical calendar / Richard Charteris (Thematic catalogue series, no.11) |
Pendragon Press, c1984 | S07-189 | |||||||||||||||
Filtz (Fils) | × | Johann
Anton Fils (1733-1760) : ein Eichstatter Komponist der Mannheimer Klassik : Ausstellung zum 250.Geburtstag / Klaus Walter Littger (Schriften der Universitatsbibliothek Eichstatt, Band 2) |
Hans Schneider, 1983 | S06-474 | |||||||||||||||
Foote | × | A catalog of the works of Arthur Foote 1853-1937 / Wilma Reid Cipolla | Information Coordinators, 1980 | S04-748 | |||||||||||||||
Foss | × | Lukas
Foss : a bio-bibliography / Karen L. Perone (Bio-bibliographies in music, number 37) |
Greenwood Press, c1991 | S08-060 | |||||||||||||||
Foster | × | Stephen
Collins Foster : a guide to research
/ Calvin Elliker (Garland composer resource manuals, vol.10. Garland reference library of the humanities, vol.782) |
Garland Publishing, 1988 | S07-241 | |||||||||||||||
Frescobaldi | × | Girolamo
Frescobaldi : a guide to research / Frederick Hammond (Garland composer resource manuals, vol.9. Garland reference library of the humanities, vol.672) |
Garland Publishing, 1988 | S06-987 | |||||||||||||||
Fukushima | × | 福島雄次郎(1932〜2005)音楽作品目録 / 細田勉編 | 細田勉, 2009 | WT00-929 | |||||||||||||||
Furtwangler | × | Wilhelm
Furtwangler in Diskussion : sieben Beitrage/Werkverzeichnis Wilhelm Furtwangler / Chris Walton |
Amadeus, 1996 | S08-739 | |||||||||||||||
Gabrieli | ○ | Giovanni
Gabrieli (ca. 1555-1612) : a thematic catalogue of his music with a guide to the source materials and translations of his vocal texts / Richard Charteris (Thematic catalogues, no. 20) |
Pendragon Press, c1996 | T01-391 | |||||||||||||||
Gassmann | ○ | A
thematic catalog of the instrumental music of Florian Leopold Gassmann / George Robert Hill (Music indexes and bibliographies, no. 12) |
J. Boonin, 1976 | T00-580 | |||||||||||||||
Glaser, J.W. | ○ | Johann Wendelin Glaser (1713-1783) : Werkverzeichnis / Karl-Eberhard Wagner | J. Butz, 2013 | S11-215 | |||||||||||||||
Glaser, W.W. | ○ | Werner Wolf Glaser : Werkverzeichnis / Otfried Richter | Edtion mf, 1999 | S09-273 | |||||||||||||||
Gluck | ○ | Catalogue
thematique des oeuvres de Chr. W. v. Gluck / Alfred Wotquenne |
Georg Olms/Breitkopf & Hartel, 1967 | S03-411 | |||||||||||||||
Gluck | × | Christoph
Willibald Gluck : a guide to research. / Patricia Howard 2nd ed (Routledge musical bibliographies) |
Routledge, 2003 | S09-856 | |||||||||||||||
Grainger | × | A complete catalogue of the works of Percy Grainger / Teresa Balough | Univ. of Western Australia, 1975 | S04-268 | |||||||||||||||
Granados | × | Enrique
Granados : a bio-bibliography /
Carol A. Hess (Bio -bibliographies in music, number 42) |
Greenwood Press, c1991 | S08-061 | |||||||||||||||
Graupner | ○ | Christoph
Graupner : thematisches Verzeichnis der musikalischen Werke : Graupner-Werke-Verzeichnis GWV・Geistliche Vokalwerke : Kirchenkantaten 1. Advent bis 5. Sonntag nach Epiphanias / herausgegeben von Oswald Bill |
Carus, c2011 | S11-155 | |||||||||||||||
Graupner | ○ | Christoph
Graupner : thematisches Verzeichnis der musikalischen Werke : Graupner-Werke-Verzeichnis GWV・Instrumentalwerke / herausgegeben von Oswald Bill und Christoph Grosspietsch |
Carus, c2005 | S10-215 | |||||||||||||||
Grieg | ○ | Edvard Grieg (1843-1907) : thematisch-bibliographisches Werkverzeichnis / vorgelegt von Dan Fog, Kirsti Grinde, Oyvind Norheim | Henry Litolff's Verlag/C.F. Peters, c2008 | S10-599 | |||||||||||||||
Grieg | × | Grieg-katalog
: en fortegnelse over Edvard Griegs trykte kompositioner / Dan Fog |
D. Fog, 1980 | R02-068 | |||||||||||||||
Griffes | × | The
works of Charles T. Griffes : a descriptive catalogue / Donna K. Anderson (Studies in musicology, 68) |
UMI Research Press, c1983 | S05-643 | |||||||||||||||
Gruber | ○ | Franz
Xaver Gruber (1787 - 1863) : thematisch-systematisches Verzeichnis der musikalischen Werke (Veroffentlichungen zur Salzburger Musikgeschichte, Band 1) |
Comes Verlag, 1989 | S07-529 | |||||||||||||||
Haba | × | Alois Haba : a catalogue of the music and writings / Lubomir Spurny | KLP, 2010 | S11-019 | |||||||||||||||
Handel | × | G.F.Handel
: a guide to research / Mary Ann Parker-Hale (Garland composer resource manuals, vol.19. Garland reference library of the humanities, vol.717) |
Garland Publishing, 1988 | S07-239 | |||||||||||||||
Handel | ○ | Handel,
chronological thematic catalogue.
[2nd ed.] / Arnold Craig
Bell |
Grian-aig Press, 1972 | S03-301 | |||||||||||||||
Handel | ○ | Thematisch-systematisches
Verzeichnis : Band 1 Buhnenwerke, Band 2 Oratorische Werke, Vokale Kammermusik, Kirchenmusik, Band 3 Instrumentalmusik, Pasticci und Fragmente / Siegfried Flesch ; Bernd Baselt |
Barenreiter, 1978 | S04-262
(1) S06-092 (2) S06-529 (3) |
Hartmann | × | Hartmann-Katalog
: Fortegnelse over J.P.E.Hartmanns trykte kompositioner / Dan Fog |
Dan Fog Musikforlag, c1991 | R03-184 | |||||||||||||||
Hartmann,K. | ○ | Karl
Amadeus Hartmann, thematic catalogue of his works / Andrew D. McCredie (Quellenkataloge zur Musikgeschichte, 18) |
Edition Heinrichshofen, 1982 | T00-877 | |||||||||||||||
Hasse | ○ | Works
for solo voice of Johann Adolf Hasse (1699-1783) / S.H. Hansell (Detoit studies in music bibliography, 12) |
Information Coordinatos | S05-314 | |||||||||||||||
Haussmann | ○ | Valentin
Haussmann (1565/70-ca. 1614) : a thematic-documentary catalogue of his works / Lynn, Robert B. (Robert Burgess) ; Klaus-Peter Koch (Thematic catalogues, no. 25) |
Pendragon Press, 1997 | S08-910 | |||||||||||||||
Haydn,J. | × | Das Haydn-Lexikon / Armin Raab, Christine Siegert, Wolfram Steinbeck | Laaber, 2010 | S10-853 | |||||||||||||||
Haydn,J. | ○ |
Haydn : thematisch-bibliographisches Werkverzeichnis. Bd. 1〜3 / Anthony van Hoboken |
B. Schott's Sohne, 1957 | S04-240
(1) S04-241 (2) S04-242 (3) |
Haydn,M. | ○ | Johann
Michael Haydn (1737 - 1806) : a chronological thematic catalogue of his works / Charles H. Sherman ; T. Donley Thomas (Thematic catalogues, no.17) |
Pendragon Press, c1993 | T01-343 | |||||||||||||||
Heise | × | Heise-Katalog
: fortegnelse over Peter Heise's trykte kompositioner / Dan Fog |
Dan Fog Musikforlag, 1991 | R02-803 | |||||||||||||||
Hensel | ○ | Fanny
Hensel geb. Mendelssohn Bartholdy : thematisches Verzeichins der Kompositionen / Renate Hellwig-Unruh |
Kunzelmann, 2000 | S09-436 | |||||||||||||||
Henze | × | Hans Werner Henze : ein Werkverzeichnis, 1946-1996 | Schott, 1996 | S08-733 | |||||||||||||||
Hindemith | × | Paul Hindemith : a guide to research / Stephen Luttmann. (Routledge music bibliographies) | Routledge, 2005 | S10-372 | |||||||||||||||
Hirao | × | 平尾貴四男作品資料目録 / 日本近代音楽館編 | 日本近代音楽館, 2005 | WS02-123 | |||||||||||||||
Holst | ○ | A thematic catalogue of Gustav Holst's music / Imogen Holst | Faber Music, 1974 | S03-412 | |||||||||||||||
Homilius | ○ | Gottfried August Homilius (1714-1785) : thematisches Verzeichnis der musikalischen Werke (HoWV) / vorgelegt von Uwe Wolf. (Ausgewahlte Werke / Homilius ; herausgegeben von Uwe Wolf ; Reihe 5 . Supplement ; Bd. 2). | Carus, 2014 | S11-237 | |||||||||||||||
Honegger | × | Catalogue des oeuvres de Arthur Honegger / Geoffrey K. Spratt | Editions Slatkine, 1986 | S06-330 | |||||||||||||||
Hummel | ○ | Thematisches
Verzeichnis der Werke von Johann Nepomuk Hummel / Dieter Zimmerschied |
F. Hofmeister, 1971 | S03-422 | |||||||||||||||
Humperdinck | × | Engelbert
Humperdinck Werkverzeichnis : zum 140. Geburtstag seinem Andenken / Eva Humperdinck |
Garres, c1994 | S08-417 | |||||||||||||||
Humperdinck | ○ | Thematisch-systematisches Verzeichnis der musikalischen Werke Engelbert Humperdincks. 2. Aufl. / Hans-Josef Irmen | Dohr, 2014 | S11-325 | |||||||||||||||
Ibert | × | Catalogue
de l'oeuvre de Jacques Ibert (1890-1962) / Alexandra Laederich |
G. Olms, 1998 | R03-434 | |||||||||||||||
Ikenouchi | × | 池内友次郎書誌
: 改訂目録 / 国立音楽大学附属図書館池内友次郎書誌 作成 グループ |
国立音楽大学附属図書館, 1994 | WS01-374 | |||||||||||||||
Ireland | × | John
Ireland : a catalogue of published works and recordings / Ernest Chapman |
Boosey & Hawkes/John Ireland Charitable Trust, 1968 | S04-260 | |||||||||||||||
Isaac | × | Henricus Isaac : a guide to research / Martin Picker | Garland Publishing, 1991 | S07-337 | |||||||||||||||
Ives | × | A Charles Ives omnibus / selected, compiled, and annotated by James Mack Burk ; edited by Michael J. Budds ( Monographs & bibliographies in American music, no. 18) | Pendragon Press, c2008 | S10-900 | |||||||||||||||
Ives | ○ | A descriptive catalogue of the music of Charles Ives / James B. Sinclair | Yale University Press, 1999 | S09-096 | |||||||||||||||
Ives | × | Charles
Edward Ives, 1874-1954 : a bibliography of his music / Dominique-Rene De Lerma |
Kent State University Press, 1970 | S03-410 | |||||||||||||||
Ives | × | Charles
Ives : a research and information guide. 2nd ed. / Gayle Sherwood Magee. (Routledge music bibliographies) |
Routledge, 2010 | S10-823 | |||||||||||||||
Janacek | × | Janacek's
works : a catalogue of the music and writings of Leos Janacek / Nigel Simeone, et al. |
Clarendon Press, 1997 | S08-833 | |||||||||||||||
Jirak | × | Karel Boleslav Jirak : a catalog of his works / Alice Tischler | Information Coordinators, 1975 | S05-328 | |||||||||||||||
Jolivet | × | Andre Jolivet : catalogue des oeuvres | Gerard Billaudot Editeur , 1991 | S07-782 | |||||||||||||||
Jommelli | ○ | Die Kirchenmusik von Niccolo Jommelli (1714-1774) II: Thematisch-systematischer Katalog, Abbildungen und Notenteil / Wolfgang Hochstein | Georg Olms Verlag, 1984 | T00-947 | |||||||||||||||
Joplin | × | Scott Joplin : a guide to research / Nancy R. Ping-Robbins | Garland, 1998 | S08-912 | |||||||||||||||
Josquin | × | Josquin des Prez : a guide to research / Sydney Robinson Charles | Garland Publishing, 1983 | S05-679 | |||||||||||||||
Koechlin | × | L'oeuvre de Charles Koechlin : catalogue | M. Eschig, 1975 | S04-270 | |||||||||||||||
Kraus | ○ | Die Werke von Joseph Martin Kraus : systematisch-thematisches Werk-verzeichnis / Bertil H. van Boer, Jr. | s.n., 1988 | S07-054 | |||||||||||||||
Kraus | ○ | Joseph
Martin Kraus (1756-1792) : a systematic-thematic catalogue of his musical works and source study / Bertil H. van Boer |
Pendragon Press, 1998 | T01-491 | |||||||||||||||
Krebs | ○ | Krebs-Werkeverzeichnis (Krebs-WV) : thematisch-systematisches Verzeichnis der musikalischen Werke von Johann Ludwig Krebs / Felix Friedrich | Kamprad, c2009. | S10-786 | |||||||||||||||
Krenek | × | Ernst Krenek : a bio-bibliography / Garrett H. Bowles | Greenwood Press, 1989 | S07-414 | |||||||||||||||
Krol | ○ | Bernhard
Krol : Thematisches Verzeichnis der Kompositionen, 1948- 1995 / Bernhard Krol |
K. Wagner, 1995 | S08-599 | |||||||||||||||
Kuhlau | ○ | Kompositionen
von Fridr. Kuhlau : thematisch-bibliographischer Katalog / Dan Fog |
Fog, 1977 | R01-468 | |||||||||||||||
Lacerda | × | Osvaldo Lacerda : catalogo de obras | Universidade
de Sao Paulo e Sociedade Brasileira de Musica Contemporonea, 1976 |
T00-389 | |||||||||||||||
Laland | ○ | A thematic catalogue of the works of Michel-Richard de Lalande (1657-1726) / Lionel Sawkins | Oxford University Press, 2005 | T01-704 | |||||||||||||||
Lanner | ○ | Joseph Lanner : chronologisch-thematisches Werkverzeichnis / Wolfgang Dorner | Bohlau, c2012 | T01-824 | |||||||||||||||
Lasso | × | Orlando
di Lasso : Supplement : seine Werke in zeitgenossischen Drucken 1555-1687 3 vols. / Horst Leuchtmann, et al. |
Barenreiter, 2001 | S09-552
(1) S09-553 (2) S09-554 (3) |
Le Sueur | ○ | Catalogue
thematique de l'oeuvre complete du compositeur Jean- Francis Le Sueur (1760-1837) / Jean Mongredien |
Pendragon Press, 1980 | S05-563 | |||||||||||||||
Lehar | ○ | Franz Lehar Thematischer Index | Glocken Verlag, c1985 | S06-384 | |||||||||||||||
Ligeti | × | Gyorgy Ligeti : a bio-bibliography / Robert W. Richart | Greenwood Press, c1990 | S07-494 | |||||||||||||||
Liszt | ○ | Thematic
guide to piano literature. Volume 5, Franz Liszt / Marthe Morhange-Motchane ; Joseph Bloch |
G.Schirmer, c1988 | S07-168 | |||||||||||||||
Liszt | ○ | Thematisches
Verzeichniss der Werke, Bearbeitungen und Transcriptionen von F. Liszt |
H. Baron, 1965 | S03-408 | |||||||||||||||
Liszt | ○ | リスト. 作品篇 / 属啓成 | 音楽之友社 | WR01-933 | |||||||||||||||
Locatelli | ○ | Pietro
Antonio Locatelli : catalogo tematico, lettere, documenti & iconografia / Albert Dunning |
Schott, 2001 | T01-557 | |||||||||||||||
Locke | ○ | A
thematic catalogue of the works of Matthew Locke : with a calendar of the main events of his life / Rosamond E.M. Harding |
Alden & Mowbray, 1971 | S04-274 | |||||||||||||||
Loewe | × | Verzeichniss
sammtlicher gedruckten Werke Dr. Carl Loewe's / Bruno Scheithauer |
Buch- und Musikhandlung/Robert Lienau, 1886 |
S05-709 | |||||||||||||||
Lortzing | ○ | Chronologisch-thematisches
Verzeichnis der Werke von Gustav Albert Lortzing : (LoWV) / Irmlind Capelle |
Studio, 1994 | S08-491 | |||||||||||||||
Lully | ○ | Chronologisch-thematisches
Verzeichnis samtlicher Werke von Jean- Baptiste Lully (LWV) / Herbert Schneider |
Schneider, 1981 | T00-761 | |||||||||||||||
MacDowell | × | Catalogue
of first editions of Edward MacDowell (1861-1908) / Library of Congress. Music Division ; Oscar George Theodore Sonneck |
Da Capo Press, 1971 | S05-283 | |||||||||||||||
Machaut | × | Guillaume de Machaut : a guide to research / Lawrence Earp | Garland Publishing, 1995 | S08-308 | |||||||||||||||
Mahle | × | Ernst Mahle : catalogo de obras / Ministerio das Relacoes Exteriores | Universidade
de Sao Paulo e Sociedade Brasileira de Musica Contemporonea, 1976 |
T00-388 | |||||||||||||||
Mahler | × | Gustav and Alma Mahler : a guide to research / Susan M. Filler | Garland Publishing, 1989 | S07-244 | |||||||||||||||
Mahler | × | Gustav
and Alma Mahler : a research and information guide / Susan M. Filler. 2nd ed. (Routledge music bibliographies) |
Routledge, c2008 | S10-502 S10-728 |
Mahler | × | Gustav
Mahler : Verzeichnis der Werke / Internationale Gustav Mahler Gesellschaft |
Internationale Gustav Mahler Gesellshcaft | Q00-003 | |||||||||||||||
Mahler | ○ | グスタフ・マーラー / 長木誠司 (全作品解説事典) | 立風書房, 1994 | WR02-191 | |||||||||||||||
Marcello | ○ | The
music of Benedetto and Alessandro Marcello : a thematic catalogue with commentary on the composers, repertory, and sources / Eleanor Selfridge-Field |
Clarendon Press, 1990 | S07-340 | |||||||||||||||
Martin | × | Frank Martin : a bio-bibliography / Charles W. King | Greenwood Press, c1990 | S07-417 | |||||||||||||||
Martinu | × | Bohuslav
Martinu : Werkverzeichnis und Biografie / Harry Halbreich |
Schott , c2007 | S10-404 | |||||||||||||||
Mederitsch | ○ | Thematisches
Verzeichnis der Werke von Johann Mederitsch detto Gallus / Theodor Aigner |
Musikverlag Katzbichler, 1974 | S05-881 | |||||||||||||||
Menager | ○ | Laurent Menager (1835-1902) : systematisches und kommentiertes Werkverzeichnis / Alain Nitschke, Damien Sagrillo. | Margraf, 2011 | S10-949 | |||||||||||||||
Mendelssohn | × | Felix
Mendelssohn Bartholdy : a guide to research : with an introduction to research concerning Fanny Hensel / John Michael Cooper |
Routledge, 2001 | S09-565 | |||||||||||||||
Mendelssohn | ○ | Felix Mendelssohn Bartholdy, thematisch-systematisches Verzeichnis der musikalischen Werke (MWV) / von Ralf Wehner (Leipziger Ausgabe der Werke Felix Mendelssohn Bartholdy. Ser. 13, Werkverzeichnis, Bd. 1A) | Breitkopf & Hartel, 2009 | S10-743 | |||||||||||||||
Mendelssohn | ○ | Thematisches
Verzeichnis der im Druck erschienenen Compositionen von Felix Mendelssohn-Bartholdy. Dritte vervollstandigte Ausgabe |
Sandig Reprint Verlag, 1982 | S06-670 | |||||||||||||||
Mendes | × | Gilberto Mendes : catalogo de obras | Universidade
de Sao Paulo e Sociedade Brasileira de Musica Contemporanea, 1976 |
T00-390 | |||||||||||||||
Menotti | × | The
operas of Gian Carlo Menotti : 1937-1972 : a selective bibliography / Lyndal Grieb |
The Scarecrow Press, 1974 | S06-675 | |||||||||||||||
Merulo | ○ | Die
musikalischen Werke von Claudio Merulo (1533-1604), Quellennachweis & thematischer Katalog / Louis Helmut Debes |
Universitat, 1964 |
T00-414 | |||||||||||||||
Messiaen | × | Oliver
Messiaen : a bibliographical catalogue of Messiaens' works / Nigel Simeone |
Schneider, 1998 | S09-253 | |||||||||||||||
Mielczewski | ○ | A thematic catalogue of works / Barbara Przybyszewska-Jarminska (Monumenta musicae in Polonia ; Seria A . Opera Omnia / Marcin Mielczewski, seria 2) | Instytut Sztuki Polskiej Akademii Nauk, 2013 | T01-864 | |||||||||||||||
Migot | × | Catalogue des oeuvres musicales de Georges Migot / Marc Honegger | Ophrys, 1977 | R01-516 | |||||||||||||||
Miki | × | 三木稔百花譜 : List of music works | 歌楽社, 1994 | WT00-440 | |||||||||||||||
Milhaud | × | Catalogue des oeuvres de Darius Milhaud / Madeleine Milhaud | Slatkine, 1982 | S05-761 | |||||||||||||||
Miyagi | × | 宮城道雄音楽作品目録 / 千葉潤之介 ; 千葉優子 | 宮城道雄記念館, 1999 | WS01-691 | |||||||||||||||
Mizuno | × | 水野修孝作品目録 第2版 / 小林裕子 | 水野修孝, 2003 | WT00-728 | |||||||||||||||
Monteverdi | × | Claudio Monteverdi : a guide to research / K. Gary Adams ; Dyke Kiel | Garland Publishing, 1989 | S07-282 | |||||||||||||||
Monteverdi | × | Claudio
Monteverdi : Verzeichnis der erhaltenen Werke : SV : kleine Ausgabe / Manfred H. Stattkus |
Musikverlag Stattkus, 1985 | R02-412 | |||||||||||||||
Moscheles | ○ | Thematisches
Verzeichniss im Druck erschienener Compositionen von Ignaz Moscheles |
H. Baron, 1966 | S03-389 | |||||||||||||||
Mozart | ○ | Chronologisch-thematisches
Verzeichnis samtlicher Tonwerke Wolfgang Amadeus Mozarts / Ludwig Ritter von Kochel |
Breitkopf & Hartel, 1983 | S06-676 | |||||||||||||||
Mozart | × | Le
petit Kochel : catalogue chronologique et systematique de l'oeuvre musicale complete de Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart / Hellmuth von Hase ; Ludwig Ritter von Kochel |
A. Leduc, 1969 | R01-477 | |||||||||||||||
Mozart | ○ | Mozart : 作品目録/ディスコグラフィ / 高橋英郎 ; 若松茂生 | ディスクポート西武, 1983 | U03-481 | |||||||||||||||
Mozart | × | Mozart-Werkverzeichnis : Kompositionen, Fragmente, Skizzen, Bearbeitungen, Abschriften, Texte / Ulrich Konrad. | Barenreiter, c2005 | S10-265 | |||||||||||||||
Mozart | ○ | Mozart's thematic catalogue : a facsimile, British Library, Stefan Zweig MS 63 / introduction and transcription by Albi Rosenthal & Alan Tyson | Cornell University Press, 1990 | S11-255 | |||||||||||||||
Mozart | ○ | W.A.モーツァルト作品総目録 / 日本モーツァルト協会 | 日本モーツァルト協会 1978 | U02-781 | |||||||||||||||
Mozart | × | Wolfgang
Amadeus Mozart : Autographe und Abschriften : Katalog / Hans-Gunter Klein |
Merseburger, 1982 | S05-339 | |||||||||||||||
Mozart | × | Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart : Autographenverzeichnis / Frank Ziegler | Deutsche Staatsbibliothek , 1990 | R02-794 | |||||||||||||||
Mozart | ○ | Wolfgang
Amadeus Mozart : Verzeichnis aller meiner Werke : und Leopold Mozart : Verzeichnis der Jugendwerke W.A.Mozarts / E.H. Mueller von Asow |
Verlag Doblinger, 1956 | S06-449 | |||||||||||||||
Mozart | × | Wolfgang
Amadeus Mozart : Werke KV 585-626a und Anhang / Karin Breitner |
Hans Schneider, 1993 | S08-350 | |||||||||||||||
Mozart | × | Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart : Werke KV 6 - 581 / Karin Breitner | Hans Schneider,1991 | S07-638 | |||||||||||||||
Mozart | × | モーツァルト事典 : 全作品解説事典 / 監修 海老澤敏/吉田泰輔 | 東京書籍, 1991 | WR01-341 | |||||||||||||||
Mozart, L. | ○ | Leopold-Mozart-Werkverzeichnis (LMV) / Cliff Eisen ; unter Mitarbeit von Christian Broy (Beiträge zur Leopold-Mozart-Forschung, Bd. 4) | Wissner, 2010 | S10-854 | |||||||||||||||
Myslivecek | ○ | Josef
Myslivecek (1737-1781) : a thematic catalogue of his instrumental and orchestral works / Angela Noble Evans ; Robert Dearling |
Katzbichler, 1999 | S09-551 | |||||||||||||||
Nagel | × | Jan Paul Nagel : Biographie und Werkverzeichnis / Dan Riemer | ENA-Musikverlag, 1999 | R03-513 | |||||||||||||||
Nakayama | ○ | 中山晋平作曲目録・年譜 / 中山卯郎 | 豆ノ樹社, 1980 | U00-102 | |||||||||||||||
Nichelmann | ○ | The
works of Christoph Nichelmann : a thematic index / Douglas A. Lee |
Information Coordinators, 1971 | S05-318 | |||||||||||||||
Nielsen | × | Carl Nielsen : a guide to research / Mina F. Miller | Garland Publishing, 1987 | S07-233 | |||||||||||||||
Offenbach | × | Bibliotheca
Offenbachiana : Jacques Offenbach (1819-1880), eine systematisch-chronologische Bibliographie / Thomas Schipperges ; Christoph Dohr ; Kerstin Rullke |
C. Dohr, 1998 | S09-347 | |||||||||||||||
Ogura | × | 小倉朗書誌 : 第2稿 / 藤堂雍子 | 桐朋学園大学, 1992 | WS01-121 | |||||||||||||||
Ordonez | ○ | Carlo d'Ordonez, 1734-1786 : a thematic catalog / Peter A. Brown | Information Coordinators, 1978 | S03-354 | |||||||||||||||
Ozawa | × | 煌きの軌跡II : 神戸女学院所蔵資料「大澤壽人遺作コレクション」詳細目録 / 大澤資料プロジェクト編 | 神戸女学院, 2011 | WT01-331 | |||||||||||||||
Pachelbel | ○ | The thematic catalogue of the musical works of Johann Pachelbel / Jean M. Perreault ; Donna K. Fitch | Scarecrow Press, 2004 | T01-875 | |||||||||||||||
Pachschmidt | ○ | Thematischer Katalog Karlmann Pachschmidt / Alexander Opatrny (Tabulae musicae Austriacae, Bd. 17) | Verlag der Osterreichischen Akademie der Wissenschaften, 2009 | S10-759 | |||||||||||||||
Paganini | ○ | Catalogo
tematico delle musiche di Niccolo Paganini / Maria Rosa Moretti ; Anna Sorrento |
Comune di Genova, c1982 | S08-093 | |||||||||||||||
Paisiello | ○ | Giovanni
Paisiello : a thematic catalogue of his works. 2 vols / Michael F. Robinson |
Pendragon Press, 1991-1992 | T01-351
(1) T01-344 (2) |
Palestrina | × | Giovanni Pierluigi da Palestrina : a guide to research / Clara Marvin (Routledge music bibliographies) | Routledge , 2002 | S10-513 | |||||||||||||||
Palestrina | × | Palestrina
: an index to the Casimiri, Kalmus, and Haberl editions / Alison Janet Byron Hall |
Music Library Association, 1980 | S05-861 | |||||||||||||||
Pallavicino | ○ | Thematic
index to the works of Benedetto Pallavincino / Peter Flanders |
Boonin Inc., 1974 | S03-446 | |||||||||||||||
Pergolesi | × | Giovanni
Battista Pergolesi : a guide to research / Marvin E. Paymer ; Hermine W. Williams |
Garland Publishing, 1989 | S07-235 | |||||||||||||||
Pergolesi | × | Giovanni
Battista Pergolesi, 1710-1736 : a thematic catalogue of the opera omnia with an appendix listing omitted compositions / Marvin E. Paymer |
Pendragon Press, 1977 | S03-351 | |||||||||||||||
Persichetti | × | Vincent
Persichetti : a bio-bibliography / Donald L. Patterson ; Janet L. Patterson |
Greenwood Press, 1988 | S06-998 | |||||||||||||||
Pezel | ○ | Johann
Pezel, 1639-1694 : a thematic catalogue of his instrumental works / Elwyn A. Wienandt |
Pendragon Press, 1983 | R02-295 | |||||||||||||||
Pitoni | ○ | Giuseppe
Ottavio Pitoni : thematisches Werkverzeichnis / Siegfried Gmeinwieser |
Heinrichshofen, 1976 | T00-403 | |||||||||||||||
Pitoni | ○ | Giuseppe Ottavio Pitoni : thematisches Werkverzeichnis / zusammengestellt von Siegfried Gmeinwieser (Quellenkataloge zur Musikgeschichte, Bd. 51) | Florian Noetzel, 2013 | T01-841 | |||||||||||||||
Pleyel | ○ | Ignace Pleyel : a thematic catalogue of his compositions / Rita Benton | Pendragon Press, 1977 | T00-402 | |||||||||||||||
Ponchielli | ○ | Catalogo tematico delle musiche di Amilcare Ponchielli / Licia, Sirch | Fondazione
Claudio Monteverdi, 1989 |
S07-100 | |||||||||||||||
Poulenc | × | Francis Poulenc : a bio-bibliography / George R. Keck | Greenwood Press, 1990 | S07-582 | |||||||||||||||
Poulenc | × | The
music of Francis Poulenc (1899-1963) : a catalogue / Carl B. Schmidt |
Clarendon Press/Oxford University Press, 1995 | S08-472 | |||||||||||||||
Prado | × | Almeida Prado : catalogo de obras | Universidade
de Sao Paulo e Sociedade Brasileira de Musica Contemporonea, 1976 |
T00-394 | |||||||||||||||
Puccini | × | A
bibliography of the works of Giacomo Puccini, 1858-1924 / Cecil Hopkinson |
Broude Bros., 1968 | T00-401 | |||||||||||||||
Puccini | × | Giacomo Puccini
: catalogue of the works / Dieter Schickling ; co-author of the English translation: Michael Kaye. |
Barenreiter、2003 | S10-110 | |||||||||||||||
Puccini | × | Giacomo Puccini : a guide to research / Linda Beard Fairtile | Garland, 1999 | S08-972 | |||||||||||||||
Purcell | ○ | Henry
Purcell, 1659-1695 : an analytical catalogue of his music / Franklin Bershir Zimmerman |
Macmillan, 1963 | S03-350 | |||||||||||||||
Quants | ○ | Johann
Joachim Quantz : thematisches Verzeichnis der musikalischen Werke : Werkgruppen QV 2 und QV 3 / Horst Augsbach |
Sachsische Landesbibliothek, 1974 | R02-427 | |||||||||||||||
Quants | ○ | Thematisch-systematisches
Werkverzeichnis (QV) : Johann Joachim Quantz / Horst Augsbach |
Carus-Verlag, 1997 | S08-756 | |||||||||||||||
Rachmaninoff | × | A
catalogue of the compositions of S. Rachmaninoff / Robert Threlfall ; Geoffrey Norris |
Scolar Press, 1982 | S05-128 | |||||||||||||||
Raff | × | Chronologisch-systematisches
Verzeichnis der Werke Joachim Raff's / Albert Schafer |
Hans Schneider, 1974 | S06-978 | |||||||||||||||
Rameau | × | Jean-Philippe Rameau : a guide to research / Donald H. Foster | Garland Publishing, 1989 | S07-243 | |||||||||||||||
Rameau | ○ | Jean-Philippe Rameau, catalogue thematique des oeuvres musicales / Sylvie Bouissou et Denis Herlin. t. 1. Musique instrumentale ; Musique vocale religieuse et profane (Opera omnia / Jean-Philippe Rameau:Serie 6) (Sciences de la musique:Serie References) | CNRS editions, 2007 | T01-759 | |||||||||||||||
Rameau | × | Jean-Philippe Rameau, catalogue thematique des oeuvres musicales / Sylvie Bouissou et Denis Herlin. t. 2. Livrets (Opera omnia / Jean-Philippe Rameau:Serie 6) (Sciences de la musique:Serie References) | CNRS editions, 2003 | T01-712 | |||||||||||||||
Rameau | ○ | Jean-Philippe Rameau, catalogue thematique des oeuvres musicales / Sylvie Bouissou et Denis Herlin. t. 3. Musique dramatique (1re partie) : d'Acante et Cephise a Hippolyte et Aricie (Opera omnia / Jean-Philippe Rameau:Serie 6)(Sciences de la musique:Serie References) | CNRS editions, 2012 | T01-839 | |||||||||||||||
Ravel | × | Catalogue de l'oeuvre de Maurice Ravel / Fondation Maurice Ravel | Fondation Maurice Ravel, 1954 | S04-263 | |||||||||||||||
Ravel | × | Maurice
Ravel : a guide to research
/ Stephen Zank (Routledge
music bibliographies) |
Routledge, 2005 | S10-150 | |||||||||||||||
Reger | × | Max
Reger - Skizzen und Entwurfe : Quellenverzeichnis und Inhaltsubersichten / Rainer Cadenbach |
S07-031 | ||||||||||||||||
Reger | × | Max Reger : a bio-bibliography / William E. Grim | Greenwood Press, 1988 | S08-382 | |||||||||||||||
Reger | × | Reger-Katalog
: vollstandiges Verzeichnis samtlicher im Druck erschienenen Werke, Bearbeitungen und Ausgaben Max Reger's mit Preisangabe nebst systematischem Verzeichnis und registern aller Titeluberschriften, Textanfange und Dichter, deren Gedichte Reger vertont hat / Wilhelm Altmann |
M. Sandig, 1971 | S03-349 | |||||||||||||||
Reger | ○ | Thematisch-chronologisches Verzeichnis der Werke Max Regers und ihrer Quellen : Reger-Werk-Verzeichnis (RWV) / im Auftrag des Max-Reger-Instituts herausgegeben von Susanne Popp ; in Zusammenarbeit mit Alexander Becker ... [et al.] | Henle, 2010 | S10-922(1) S10-923(2) |
Reger | ○ | Thematisches
Verzeichnis der im Druck erschienenen Werke von Max Reger / Fritz Wilhelm Stein ; Joset Bachmair |
Breitkopf & Hartel, 1953 | S03-347 | |||||||||||||||
Regnart | ○ | Thematischer
Katalog samtlicher Werke Jacob Regnarts (ca. 1540-1599) / Walter Pass |
Hermann Bohlaus Nachf, 1969 | S05-437 | |||||||||||||||
Reicha | ○ | Antonin Rejcha / Olga Sotolova | Supraphon, 1977 | S04-755 | |||||||||||||||
Reissiger | ○ | Thematisches
Verzeichnis der geistlichen Werke von Carl Gottlieb Reissiger (1798 - 1859) / Manfred Fensterer |
Edition mf, 1999 | S09-275 | |||||||||||||||
Rheinberger | ○ | Thematisches
Verzeichnis der musikalischen Werke Gabriel Josef Rheinbergers / Hans-Josef Irmen |
Bosse, 1974 | S02-573 | |||||||||||||||
Richter | ○ | Systematisch-thematisches
Verzeichnis der geistlichen Kompositionen Franz Xaver Richters / Jochen Reutter |
Peter Lang, c1993 | S08-018 | |||||||||||||||
Riepel | ○ | Joseph
Riepel (1709-1782) : Hofkapellmeister des Fursten von Thurn und Taxis : Biographie, thematisches Werkverzeichnis, Schrif... / Thomas Emmerig |
Verlag Michael Lassleben, 1984 | S06-404 | |||||||||||||||
Rieppi | ○ | Carlo Rieppi (1861-1947) catalogo delle opere / a cura di Lucia Ludovica de Nardo (Civilta musicale aquilejese, 16) | Pizzicato, 2008 | S11-043 | |||||||||||||||
Ries | ○ | Ferdinand Ries : a thematic catalogue / Cecil Hill | University of New England, 1977 | S04-652 | |||||||||||||||
Rimsky-Korsakov | × | Nikolai
Andreevich Rimsky-Korsakov : a guide to research / Gerald R. Seaman |
Garland Publishing, 1988 | S07-254 | |||||||||||||||
Rolla | ○ | Alessandro
Rolla : catalogo tematico delle opere / Luigi Inzaghi ; Luigi Alberto Bianchi Alberto |
Nuove edizioni, 1981 | T00-792 | |||||||||||||||
Rosenfeld | × | Gerhard Rosenfeld (1931-2003) : Werkverzeichnis / aus dem musikalischen Nachlass zusammengestellt und herausgegeben von Vera GrQtzner. (Berichte aus der Musikwissenschaft). | Shaker, 2004 | R03-965 | |||||||||||||||
Rosetti | ○ | The
music of Antonio Rosetti (Anton Rosler) ca. 1750-92 : a thematic catalog / Sterling E. Murray |
Harmonie Park Press, 1996 | T01-417 | |||||||||||||||
Rossi, L. | ○ | Luigi
Rossi (ca 1598-1653), 2 vols / Eleanor Caluori (The Wellesley edition cantata index series 3a,b) |
Wellesley College, 1965 | T00-406
(1) T00-407 (2) |
Rossi, L. | ○ | The
cantatas of Luigi Rossi : analysis and thematic index / Eleanor Caluori |
UMI Research Press, 1981 | S04-996 | |||||||||||||||
Rossi, S. | ○ | A
thematic index to the works of Salamon Rossi / Joel Newman ; Fritz Rikko |
J. Boonin, 1972 | S00-104 | |||||||||||||||
Roussel | × | Albert Roussel : a bio-bibliography / Robert Follet | Greenwood Press, 1988 | S06-983 | |||||||||||||||
Roussel | × | Catalogue de l'oeuvre d'Albert Roussel | [s.n.], 1947 | S04-271 | |||||||||||||||
Roussel | ○ | Catalogue raisonne de l'oeuvre d'Albert Roussel / Nicole Labelle | Departement d'Archeologie et d'Histoire de l'Art, College Erasme, 1992 | T01-354 | |||||||||||||||
Rubinstein | ○ | Anton
Rubinstein : an annotated catalog of piano works and biography / Larry Sitsky |
Greenwood, 1998 | S09-036 | |||||||||||||||
Saint-Saens | ○ | Camille
Saint-Saens 1835-1921 : a thematic catalogue of his complete works : v. 1 The instrumental works, v. 2 The dramatic works/ Sabina Teller Ratner |
Oxford University Press, 2002 | S09-685
(v.1) S10-958 (v.2) |
Sammartini | ○ | Thematic
catalogue of the works of Giovanni Battista Sammartini : orchestral and vocal music / Newell Jenkins ; Bathia Churgin |
Harvard University Press, 1976 | S03-372 | |||||||||||||||
Sauguet | × | Henri
Sauguet (1901 - 1989) : catalogue des oeuvres / Raphael Cluzel ; Bruno Berenguer |
Seguier, 2002 | S09-680 | |||||||||||||||
Savioni | ○ | Mario Savioni (ca. 1608-1685) / Irvinv Eisley | Wellesley College, 1964 | T00-395 | |||||||||||||||
Scarlatti, A. Scarlatti, D. |
× | Alessandro
and Domenico Scarlatti : a guide to research / Carole F. Vidali |
Garland Publishing, 1993 | S07-802 | |||||||||||||||
Schaffrath | ○ | Verzeichnis der Werke Christoph Schaffraths (CSWV) / Reinhard Oestreich (Ortus Studien ; 7) | Ortus Musikverlag, 2012 | S11-027 | |||||||||||||||
Scharwenka | × | Xaver
Scharwenka (1850 - 1924) : Werkverzeichnis (ScharWV) / Matthias Schneider-Dominco (Hainholz Musikwissenschaft, Bd. 6) |
Hainholz, c2003 | S10-189 | |||||||||||||||
Scheidt | ○ | Samuel-Scheidt-Werke-Verzeichnis (SSWV) / Klaus-Peter Koch | Breitkopf & Hartel, 2000 | S09-515 | |||||||||||||||
Scheidt | × | Verzeichnis der Werke Samuel Scheidts (SSWV) / Klaus-Peter Koch | Handel-Haus, 1989 | R03-174 | |||||||||||||||
Schmitt | × | L'oeuvre
de Florent Schmitt : catalogue / Yves Hucher ; Raymond Berthier |
Durand, 1960 | S04-264 | |||||||||||||||
Schneider | ○ | Franz
Schneider (1737-1812) : a thematic catalogue of his works / Robert N. Freeman |
Pendragon Press, 1979 | S05-564 | |||||||||||||||
Schoeck | × | Praktisches Verzeichnis der Werke Othmar Schoecks / Beat A. Follmi | Othmar Schoeck-Gesellschaft, 1997 | R03-373 | |||||||||||||||
Schoeck | ○ | Thematisches Verzeichnis der Werke von Othmar Schoeck / Wern Vogel | Atlantis, 1956 | S04-844 | |||||||||||||||
Schoenberg | × | Arnold
Schoenberg Institute Archives : preliminary catalog. 1〜2, archival scores, reference scores ; 3〜4, archival books, reference books ; 5〜7, recordings, text, manuscripts, photographs / Kathryn P. Glennan ; Jerry L. McBride ; R. Wayne Shoaf |
Arnold Schoenberg Institute, c1986 | T01-224
(1-2) T01-225 (3-4) T01-226 (5-7) |
Schoenberg | × | Das Werk Arnold Schonbergs / Josef Rufer | Barenreiter, 1959 | S03-370 | |||||||||||||||
Schoenberg | × | The
works of Arnold Schoenberg : a catalogue of his compositions, writings and paintings / Josef Rufer |
Faber, 1962 | S03-369 | |||||||||||||||
Schoenberg | × | シェーンベルク書誌 / 国立音楽大学附属図書館 | 国立音楽大学付属図書館, 1978 | U02-420 | |||||||||||||||
Schubert | × | F.P.シューベルト全作品目録 / 平石英雄 | 山越, 1996 | WT00-531 | |||||||||||||||
Schubert | × | Franz
Schubert : Verzeichnis seiner Werke in chronologischer Folge / Otto Erich Deutsch, et al. |
Deutscher Taschenbuch Verlag, 1983 | R02-270 | |||||||||||||||
Schubert | ○ | Franz
Schubert, thematisches Verzeichnis seiner Werke in chronologischer Folge / Otto Erich Deutsch |
Barenreiter, 1978 | S06-366 | |||||||||||||||
Schubert | ○ | Franz Schubert, thematisches Verzeichnis seiner Werke in chronologischer Folge / von Otto Erich Deutsch. -- Neuausg. in deutscher Sprache, Studienausgabe. | Barenreiter, 1978 | S11-236 | |||||||||||||||
Schubert | ○ | Schubert
: solo piano literature / Carolyn Maxwell ; Geraldine Gant Luethi |
Maxwell Music Evaluation, 1986 | R02-592 | |||||||||||||||
Schubert | ○ | Schubert,
thematic catalogue of all his works in chronological order / Otto Erich Deutsch |
E. Kalmus, 1951 | S03-424 | |||||||||||||||
Schubert | ○ | The Schubert song companion / John Reed | Universe Books, 1985 | S06-402 | |||||||||||||||
Schuman, W. | × | William Schuman : a bio-bibliography / K. Gary Adams | Greenwood Press, 1998 | S09-037 | |||||||||||||||
Schumann, C. | ○ | Clara
Wieck-Schumann (1819 - 1896) : Kompositionen : eine Zusammenstellung der Werke, Literatur und Schallplatten / Paul- August Koch |
Zimmermann, c1991 | R03-130 | |||||||||||||||
Schumann, R. | ○ | Thematisch-bibliographisches
Werkverzeichnis / Margit L. McCorkle, et al.(Neue Ausgabe samtlicher Werke / Robert Schumann, Ser. 8 Supple. 6) |
Schott, 2003 | S09-697 | |||||||||||||||
Schumann, R. | ○ | Robert
Schumann, thematisches Verzeichnis samtlicher im Druck erschienenen musikalischen Werke mit Angabe des Jahres ihres Entstehens und Erscheinens / Kurt Hofmann ; Siegmar Keil |
Schuberth, 1982 | S05-088 | |||||||||||||||
Schutz | × | Heinrich Schutz : a guide to research / Allen B. Skei | Garland Publishing, 1981 | S07-246 | |||||||||||||||
Schutz | × | Schutz-Werke-Verzeichnis
(SWV) Kleine Ausgabe, im Auftrage der neuen Schutz-Gesellschaft / Werner Bittinger |
Barenreiter, 1960 | S03-371 | |||||||||||||||
Scriabin | ○ | Thematisch-chronologisches
Verzeichnis der musikalischen Werke von Alexander Skrjabin / Daniel Bosshard. |
Trais Giats, 2002 | T01-667 | |||||||||||||||
Setti | × | Kilza Setti : catalogo de obras | Universidade de Sao Paulo e Sociedade Brasileira de Musica Contemporanea, 1976 | T00-386 | |||||||||||||||
Seyfried | ○ | Ignaz
Ritter von Seyfried : thematisch-bibliographisches Verzeichnis Aspekte der Biographie und des Werkes / Bettina von Seyfried |
Peter Lang, c1990 | S07-408 | |||||||||||||||
Shapey | × | A catalogue of the works of Ralph Shapey / Patrick D. Finley | Pendragon, 1997 | T01-490 | |||||||||||||||
Shibata | × | 柴田南雄作品表 | サンガクシャ, 1991 | WS01-097 | |||||||||||||||
Shostakovich | × | Dmitri Shostakovich. | Sikorski Musikverlage, c2005 | S10-347 | |||||||||||||||
Shostakovich | × | Dmitri Shostakovich. 2nd ed. | Sikorski, c2011 | R04-172 | |||||||||||||||
Shostakovich[1] | × | Dmitri Shostakovich catalogue : the first hundred years and beyond / Derek C. Hulme. 4th ed. | Scarecrow Press, 2010 | S11-096 | |||||||||||||||
Shuller | × | Gunther Schuller : a bio-bibliography / Norbert Carnovale | Greenwood Press, 1987 | S06-844 | |||||||||||||||
Sibelius | × | Jean Sibelius : a guide to research / Glenda Dawn Goss | Garland Publishing, 1998 | S08-791 | |||||||||||||||
Sibelius | ○ | Jean
Sibelius : thematisch-bibliographisches Verzeichnis seiner Werke / Fabian Dahlstrom |
Breitkopf & Hartel, c2003 | S10-064 | |||||||||||||||
Soler | × | Antonio Soler : catalogo critico / Samuel Rubio | Instituto de Musica Religiosa de la Diputacion Provincial de Cuenca, c1980 | T01-232 | |||||||||||||||
Sousa | ○ | スーザ・マーチ大全 : 全曲完全解説版 / Paul E. Bierley ; 鈴木耕三 | 音楽之友社, 2001 | WS01-765 | |||||||||||||||
Sperger | ○ | Thematisches
Werkverzeichnis der Kompositionen von Johannes Sperger (1750 - 1812) / Adolf Meier |
Michaelstein, 1990 | T01-217 | |||||||||||||||
Spohr | ○ | Thematisch-bibliographisches
Verzeichnis der Werke von Louis Spohr / Folker Gothel |
Schneider, 1981 | S00-738 | |||||||||||||||
Stolz | ○ | Robert Stolz : Werkverzeichnis / Stephan Pflicht | Musikverlag E. Katzbichler/ Dreiklang-Dreimasken Buhnen- und Musikverlg, 1981 |
S05-120 | |||||||||||||||
Stradella | ○ | Alessandro
Stradella (1639 - 1682) : a thematic catalogue of his compositions / Carolyn Gianturco ; Eleanor McCrickard |
Pendragon Press, 1991 | T01-252 | |||||||||||||||
Stradella | ○ | Alessandro
Stradella (1644-1682) / Owen Jander (The Wellesley edition cantata index series 4a-b) |
Wellesley College, 1969 | T00-384
(a) T00-385 (b) |
Strauss, J. (ii) | ○ | Strauss-Elementar-Verzeichnis
: (SEV) thematisch-bibliographischer Katalog der Werke von Johann Strauss (Sohn) 1 Opera 1-50, 2 Opera 51-100, 3 Opera 101-150, 4 Opera 151-200, 5 Opera 201-250 6 Opera 250-300, 7 Opera 301-350 / Wiener Institut fur Strauss- Forschung |
H. Schneider, c1990〜 | T01-197
(1) T01-228 (2) T01-262 (3) T01-444 (4) T01-445 (5) T01-446 (6) T01-447 (7) T01-856 (8) |
Strauss, Josef & Eduard |
× | Verzeichnis
samtlicher Werke von Josef und Eduard Strauss / Alexander Weinmann |
Musikverlag Ludwig Krenn, c1967 | S07-744 | |||||||||||||||
Strauss, Joseph | × | Joseph Strauss : kommentiertes Werkverzeichnis / Franz Mailer | P. Lang, 2002 | R03-709 | |||||||||||||||
Strauss, J. (ii) | × | Johann Strauss : kommentiertes Werkverzeichnis / Franz Mailer | Pichler, 1999 | S09-181 | |||||||||||||||
Strauss, J. (i) Strauss, J. (ii) |
× | Verzeichnis
samtlicher Werke von Johann Strauss, Vater und Sohn / Alexander Weinmann |
Musikverlag L. Krenn, 1956 | S03-420 | |||||||||||||||
Strauss,R. | ○ | Richard Strauss : Werkverzeichnis (TrV) / Franz Trenner | Dr. Richard Strauss, 1999 | S09-050 | |||||||||||||||
Strauss,R. | × | Richard
Strauss : Werkverzeichnis / Franz Trenner ; E.H. Mueller von Asow |
Doblinger, 1985 | R02-396 | |||||||||||||||
Strauss,R. | ○ | Richard
Strauss thematisches Verzeichnis, 3 vols. / E.. Mueller von Asow ; Alfons Ott ; Franz Trenner |
L. Doblinger, 1959-1974 | S03-417
(1) S03-418 (2) S03-419 (3) |
Stravinsky | × | Igor Stravinsky : a complete catalogue / Clifford Cæsar | San Francisco Press, 1982 | S05-305 | |||||||||||||||
Stravinsky | × | Kommentiertes
Verzeichnis der Werke und Werkausgaben Igor Strawinskys bis 1971 / Helmut Kirchmeyer |
Verlag der Sachsischen Akademie der Wissenschaften zu Leipzig/In Kommission bei S. Hirzel, 2002 | S09-670 | |||||||||||||||
Suk | ○ | Josef Suk : tematický katalog skladeb : thematic catalogue of the works / Zdeněk Nouza, Miroslav Nový. | BHrenreiter, 2005. | S10-357 | |||||||||||||||
Sullivan | × | Sir Arthur Sullivan : a resource book / Philip H. Dillard | Scarecrow Press, 1996 | S08-837 | |||||||||||||||
Sussmayr | ○ | Das
musikalische Werk Franz Xaver Sumayrs : thematisches Werk- verzeichnis (SmWV) mit ausfuhrlichen Quellenangaben und Skizzen der Wasserzeichen / Erich Duda |
Barenreiter, 2000 | S09-210 | |||||||||||||||
Tailleferre | × | Germaine Tailleferre : a bio-bibliography / Robert Shapiro | Greenwood Press, 1994 | S08-213 | |||||||||||||||
Takata | × | 高田三郎 / 国立音楽大学附属図書館高田三郎書誌作成グループ | 日外アソシエーツ, 1995 | WR02-500 | |||||||||||||||
Takemitsu | × | Toru Takemitsu : a bio-bibliography / James Siddons | Greenwood Press, 2001 | S09-536 | |||||||||||||||
Tartini | ○ | Le
sonate per violino di Giuseppe Tartini : catalogo tematico / Paul Brainard |
Accademia tartiniana di Padova/Distribuzione, Carisch, 1975 | S03-415 | |||||||||||||||
Tchaikovsky | ○ | Catalogue
thematique des oeuvres de P. Tschaikowsky / Boris Petrovich Iurgenson |
H. Baron, 1965 | S03-414 | |||||||||||||||
Tchaikovsky | × | Systematisches
Verzeichnis der Werke von Pjotr Iljitsch Tschaikowsky : ein Handbuch fur die Musikpraxis / Tschaikowsky-Studio |
H. Sikorski, 1973 | S03-416 | |||||||||||||||
Tchaikovsky | × | Tchaikovsky's
complete songs : a companion with texts and translations / Richard D. Sylvester |
Indiana University Press, 2002 | S09-853 | |||||||||||||||
Tchaikovsky | ○ | Thematic and bibliographical catalogue of P.I. Tchaikovsky's (P.I. Čajkovskij's) works / edited by Polina Vajdman et al. | P. Jurgenson, 2006 |
T01-752 | |||||||||||||||
Tcherepnin | × | Alexander Tcherepnin : a bio-bibliography / Enrique Alberto Arias | Greenwood Press, 1989 | S07-416 | |||||||||||||||
Telemann | ○ | Georg
Philipp Telemann : thematisch-systematisches Verzeichnis seiner Werke : Telemann-Werkverzeichnis (TWV) : Instrumentalwerke Band 1, 2, 3 / Martin Ruhnke |
Barenreiter, 1984-1999 | S05-978
(1) S07-627 (2) S09-001 (3) |
Telemann | ○ | Thematisches
Verzeichnis der Vokalwerke von Georg Philipp Telemann Band I, II / Werner Menke |
Vittorio Klostermann, 1982-83 | S06-906(1)
S06-020(2) |
Terraza | × | Emilio Terraza : catalogo de obras | Universidade de Sao Paulo e Sociedade Brasileira de Musica Contemporonea, 1976 | T00-405 | |||||||||||||||
Toda | × | 戸田邦雄 : 人と作品 / 日本近代音楽館編集 | 戸田正子, 2004 | WR04-451 | |||||||||||||||
Tournemire | × | Catalogue de l'oeuvre de Charles Tournemire / Joel-Marie Fauquet | Minkoff, 1979 | S03-820 | |||||||||||||||
Tubin | ○ | The works of Eduard Tubin : thematic-bibliographical catalogue of works : ETW / Vardo Rumessen. | International Eduard Tubin Society, 2003 | S11-039 | |||||||||||||||
Vanhal | ○ | Themen-Verzeichnis
der Kompositionen von Johann Baptiste Wanhal / Alexander Weinmann (Wiener Archivstudien, Band XI, Teil 1, 2) |
Musikverlag Ludwig Krenn, 19-- | T01-079
(1) T01-080 (2) |
Vaughan Williams | × | A
catalogue of the works of Ralph Vaughan Williams / Michael Kennedy |
Oxford University Press, 1996 | S08-468 | |||||||||||||||
Vaughan Williams | × | Ralph Vaughan Williams : a guide to research / Neil Butterworth | Garland Publishing, 1990 | S07-250 | |||||||||||||||
Verdi | × | A
bibliography of the works of Giuseppe Verdi 1813-1901. Vol. 1, 2 / Cecil Hopkinson |
Broude, 1973, 1978 | T00-693
(1) T00-684 (2) |
Verdi | × | Giuseppe Verdi : a guide to research / Gregory W. Harwood | Garland, 1998 | S08-884 | |||||||||||||||
Victoria | × | Tomas Luis de Victoria : a guide to research / Eugene Cramer | Garland Publishing, 1998 | S08-883 | |||||||||||||||
Villa-Lobos | × | Heitor Villa-Lobos : a bio-bibliography / David P. Appleby | Greenwood Press, 1988 | S06-882 | |||||||||||||||
Vinholes | × | Luiz Carlos Vinholes : catalogo de obras | Universidade de Sao Paulo e Sociedade Brasileira de Musica Contemporsnea, 1976 | T00-404 | |||||||||||||||
Viotti | ○ | Giovanni
Battista Viotti (1755-1824) : a thematic catalogue of his works / Chappell White |
Pendragon Press, 1985 | S06-088 | |||||||||||||||
Vivaldi | ○ | Antonio
Vivaldi (1678-1741) : catalogo numerico-tematico delle opere strumentali / Antonio Fanna ; Francesco Belezza |
Ricordi, 1968 | S03-344 | |||||||||||||||
Vivaldi | ○ | Antonio
Vivaldi : thematisch-systematisches Verzeichnis seiner Werke (RV) / von Peter
Ryom |
& HHrtel , c2007 |
S10-486 | |||||||||||||||
Vivaldi | ○ | Repertoire
des oeuvres d'Antonio Vivaldi : les compositions instrumentales / Peter Ryom |
Engstrom & Sodring A・S Musikforlag, 1986 | S06-685 | |||||||||||||||
Vivaldi | ○ | Verzeichnis der Werke Antonio Vivaldis (RV) / Peter Ryom | Deutscher Verlag fur Musik, VEB, 1974 | S03-343 | |||||||||||||||
Vivaldi | ○ | Vivaldi violin concertos : a handbook / Arlan Stone Martin | Scarecrow Press, 1972 | S03-345 | |||||||||||||||
Vorisek | ○ | Jan Hugo Voříšek (1791-1825) : thematic catalogue / Olga Zuckerová | Barenreiter Praha, 2003 | S10-222 | |||||||||||||||
Wagenseil | ○ | Das Orchester- und Kammermusikwerk von eorg Christoph Wagenseil : thematischer Katalog / H. Scholz-Michelitsch | Verl.d.Osterr. Akad. d. Wiss., 1972 | S05-338 | |||||||||||||||
Wagner | ○ | Wagner
: Werk-Verzeichnis (WWV) : Verzeichnis der musikalischen Werke Richard Wagners und ihrer Quellen / John Deathridge ; Martin Geck ; Egon Voss |
Schott, c1986 | S06-423 | |||||||||||||||
Wagner | × | ヴァーグナー大事典 / Barry Millington ; 三宅幸夫 ; 山崎太郎 | 平凡社, 1999 | WS01-648 | |||||||||||||||
Wagner | × | ワーグナー事典 : 作品・用語解説事典 / 三光長治 ; 高辻知義 ; 三宅幸夫 | 東京書籍, 2002 | WR03-897 | |||||||||||||||
Walton | × | William Walton : a bio-bibliography / Carolyn J. Smith | Greenwood Press, 1988 | S06-997 | |||||||||||||||
Walton | × | William Walton : a source book / Stewart R. Craggs | Scolar Press, 1993 | S07-985 | |||||||||||||||
Walton | ○ | William
Walton : a thematic catalogue of his musical works / Stewart R. Craggs ; Michael Kennedy |
Oxford University Press, 1977 | S03-341 | |||||||||||||||
Weber | ○ | Carl
Maria von Weber in seinen Werken : chronologisch-thematisches Verzeichniss seiner sammtlichen Compositionen / Friedrich Wilhelm Jahns |
R. Lienau, 1967 | S03-342 | |||||||||||||||
Weill | × | Kurt Weill : a handbook / David Drew | University of California Press, 1987 | S06-556 | |||||||||||||||
Wellesz | × | Egon Wellesz : Kompositionen : mit Notenbeispielen und Kommentaren / hrsg. von Knut Eckhardt und Hannes Heher | Edition Re, 1995 | R04-010 | |||||||||||||||
Weyse | ○ | Kompositionen von C.E.F.Weyse / Dan Fog | Dan Fog Musik Verlag, 1979 | R01-705 | |||||||||||||||
Woelfl | ○ | Joseph Woelfl Verzeichnis seiner Werke / Margit Haider-Dechant ; incipits: Hermann Dechant ; herausgegeben von der Internationalen Joseph Woelfl-Gesellschaft | Apollon Musikoffizin Austria, 2011 | T0-821 | |||||||||||||||
Wolf | ○ | Hugo-Wolf-Werkverzeichnis (HWW) : Thematisch-chronologisches Verzeichnis der musikalischen Werke Hugo Wolfs / Margret Jestremski (Catalogus musicus : eine musikbibliographische Reihe, 19) | Barenreiter, 2011 | S10-940 | |||||||||||||||
Wolfl | ○ | Joseph Woelfl Verzeichnis seiner Werke / Margit Haider-Dechant | Apollon
Musikoffizin Austria, c2011 |
T01-821 | |||||||||||||||
Xenakis | × | Iannis Xenakis / Maurice Fleuret | Salabert, 1981 | S05-303 | |||||||||||||||
Yamada | × | 山田耕筰作品資料目録 / 遠山音楽財団付属図書館 | 遠山音楽財団付属図書館, 1984 | U03-727 | |||||||||||||||
Zandonai | ○ | Riccardo Zandonai : catalogo tematico / Diego Cescotti | Libreria musicale italiana, 1999 | S09-550 | |||||||||||||||
Ziehrer | ○ | Carl Michael Ziehrer sein Werk, sein Leben, sein Zeit / Max Schonherr | Osterrichischer Bundesverlag, 1974 | S04-629 | |||||||||||||||
Zimmermann, A. | ○ | Anton Zimmermann (1741-1781) Thematisches Werkverzeichnis / Darina Mudra | P. Lang, 2011 | T01-807 | |||||||||||||||
Zimmermann, B.A. | × | Bernd Alois Zimmermann Werkverzeichnis : Verzeichnis der musikalischen Werke von Bernd Alois Zimmermann und ihrer Quellen / Heribert Henrich | Schott, 2013. | S11-213 | |||||||||||||||